Dramatized route: Legendary afternoons

– Recorrido:
  1. 1st Arco de la Rosa or Puerta de Sevilla
  2. 2nd Church of San Juan Bautista
  3. 3º The Jail
  4. 4th Doge’s Palace
  5. 5th Round of the Alcazaba
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1st Arco de la Rosa or Puerta de Sevilla

Its name is due to a medieval legend and because it communicated the town with the capital of the kingdom of Seville. Of Almohad origin built on the s. XIII and reformed between 1430-38 by the ducal initiative. It was the exit and main axis of communication between the Islamic-Christian town and the suburbs, constituting the most outstanding monumental gate and therefore, a symbol of Marchena. Above the arch is the coat of arms of the Colonna papal family, Martin V and the of the Dukes of Arcos (lords of the city)

2nd Church of San Juan Bautista

Esta iglesia fue construida en el siglo XV y ampliada en el siglo XVII es de estilo gótico -mudéjar.En su interior se encuentra, el altar mayor obra de Alejo y Jorge Fernández del s. XVI, la custodiade 1575 de Francisco de Alfaro y dos órganos de los siglos XVIII y XIX considerados el legadoorganístico más importante de Andalucía. Mención especial requiere su sacristía, convertida envalioso museo donde se puede admirar las pinturas encargadas a Francisco de Zurbarán. Fuedeclarado Bien de Interés Cultural en 1931

3º The Jail

It is located in the Plaza de Miguel de Cervantes, also known as the Plaza de la Cárcel, since it was located there and it was where Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was imprisoned. In addition, this enclave was from where the saetas de la Virgen were sung de la Soledad, canteque was known by the inmates as "jailers"

4th Doge’s Palace

Originally it was an Islamic citadel from the s. XII, although its appearance changed due to the great transformations that have taken place since the s. XIII to the s. XVIII. For example, in the s. XIV, Christian period, the church of Santa María de la Mota is built and in the s. XVI the Palace acquires its maximum splendor following the Renaissance style prevailing at the time. During the s. XVII, it was transformed into a Palace-Convent thanks to the construction of two monasteries: that of the Immaculate Conception and that of the Capuchins. The decline of the Palace began with the economic crises of the Duchy at the end of the s. XVIII, to which is added the Napoleonic invasion of the s. XIX, which ends up leading to the disappearance of the great building

5th Round of the Alcazaba

The enclosure of the Alcazaba extends 2.3 hectares and is completely walled and endowed, on the opposite perimeter of the city, with a barbican that gave it better protection against any siege attempt.

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