Route of chapels and convents

– Recorrido:
  1. 1st Chapel of Veracruz
  2. 2nd Convent of the Immaculate Conception
  3. 3rd Convent of San Andrés
  4. 4th Church – Convent of Santa Isabel
  5. 5th Convent of Santa Clara
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1st Chapel of Veracruz

This chapel was part of the old Franciscan convent, founded in 1530 by Diego Núñez del Prado. The chapel follows the Gothic-Mudejar style, although the main altarpiece is Baroque and houses in its central niche the magnificent carving of the Christ of the Vera-Cruz wing attributed to Roque Balduque. The order disappeared and the temple is guarded by the Brotherhood of the Vera-Cruz, which carries out a procession on the afternoon of Holy Thursday

2nd Convent of the Immaculate Conception

The convent was founded in 1623 by Mr. Rodrigo Ponce de León. It is located next to the Church of Santa María de la Mota, in what used to be the Ducal Palace. Inside, the decoration stands out with engravings from different eras by artists such as Dürer, Callot, Calle, etc. Donated by Duke D. Joaquín Ponce de León. The altarpieces without gilding, are cared for by the Franciscan Clarisas nuns

3rd Convent of San Andrés

The convent was founded by Gonzalo Jimenez in 1537 as the headquarters of various chaplaincies, next to the Osuna gate, in the suburbs. His century later D. Rodrigo Ponce de León makes it the headquarters of the Mercedarian order. It is interesting to highlight the low closing choir with paintings from the s. XVII, as well as a painting of Divino Morales

4th Church – Convent of Santa Isabel

This construction belonged to the Jesuit college of the incarnation of which the church and the cloister are preserved. Founded in 1556 by Mr. Luis Cristóbal Ponce de León and Mrs. María de Toledo, Duke of Arcos, in the outskirts of the city. In the church it has in its main altarpiece paintings by Alonso Vázquez and Juan de Roelas. It is currently a school run by Franciscan nuns

5th Convent of Santa Clara

Convent founded in 1502 to house the order of Clarisas nuns until 1974. It was located outside the walls of the Islamic medina, near a hermitage that would later be the parish of San Sebastián. Today the wonderful church with a single nave is the only thing that remains of the original building. Its main altarpiece is from the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque, it is the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Humility, which on Holy Wednesday goes out in procession

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